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Tickets for the performance "Diary of Madmen" to Tbilisi

The booking time is 30 minutes.

How to buy tickets?

How to order a ticket?

It's simple. Click on the appropriate sector and select any of the available locations

How to pay for a ticket?

Using a bank card on the website online or in cash to the courier

How do I get a ticket?

You can get an electronic ticket by e-mail, or get tickets from a courier or at the company's office

About event

The play "Diary of Madmen" at the Tbilisi State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Griboyedov is a new work by director Dmitry Krymov. This is Krymov's first production in Russian, staged in exile. The play features famous actors Chulpan Khamatova and Maxim Sukhanov, who met again on the same stage almost 30 years after their collaboration in Valery Todorovsky's film "Country of the Deaf".

The production of "Diary of Madmen" is distinguished by its unique creative language, characteristic of Krymov, and a combination of various styles and genres. The play is based on the director's original text, which is a phantasmagorical story about people lost in space and time. The heroes of the play are two people who find themselves in new life circumstances, are forced to adapt to life in a foreign country and look for their new place in the world.

The Tbilisi State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Griboyedov is one of the leading theater venues in the city. The theater is famous for its productions, which attract the attention of both local residents and guests of the capital. Modern technical equipment and comfortable conditions for spectators make a visit to the theater a pleasant and memorable event.

You can buy tickets for the play "Diary of Madmen" at the Tbilisi State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Griboyedov on our website.


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