Drama Theater named after. L. Meskhishvili Theater is a historical venue that attracts attention with its rich heritage and unsurpassed theatrical art. Founded in 1861, this theater in Kutaisi has become home to many outstanding artists and cultural figures.
The theater building, built in 1860, is a majestic structure. It was recognized as an architectural monument in 2009 due to its unique architectural structure. In 1955, a new theater building was opened, and in 2008 a small stage with 100 seats and a museum dedicated to the history of the theater were added.
The Meskhishvili Theater is known for its diverse repertoire, including works by such famous playwrights as Griboyedov, Gogol, Chekhov, Shakespeare and others. Here you can enjoy high-quality productions on the theater stage.
If you want to visit this unique theater, you can get all the necessary information on our website. There you can get acquainted with the schedule and poster, as well as order and issue tickets online - quickly and easily. Come and plunge into the world of theatrical art, which continues to live and develop thanks to a new generation of talented artists and dedication to cultural traditions.