The Telavi State Drama Theater, located in the heart of Kakheti, in the city of Telavi on Erekle II Square, is one of the key cultural attractions of the region. This theater, with a rich history dating back to the reign of King Erekle II, continues to delight audiences with its productions.
The history of the theater begins at the end of the 18th century, when a group of young people who studied in Russia by order of Erekle II returned to their homeland and founded a theater troupe under the direction of Georgy Avalishvili. An important figure in the history of the theater was also Gabriel Mayor, who devoted his life to theatrical art and died in battle with the troops of Agha Muhammad Khan in 1795
The restoration of the Georgian professional theater in the 19th century was marked by the publication of the first official information about the Telavi Theater in the Iveria newspaper. in 1867. The professional theater in Telavi was opened in 1931-1932 and since then has remained an important center of the cultural life of the city.
Telavi State Drama Theater offers a variety of performances that reflect the rich cultural tradition of Georgia. You can view the schedule and poster on our website. You can also buy tickets for upcoming productions online, which makes visiting the theater even more convenient.
Visit the Telavi State Drama Theater and plunge into the atmosphere of Georgian theatrical art, which has been inspiring and uniting people for more than two centuries.