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Die Antwoord concert tickets in Tbilisi

Tbilisi Sports Palace28 Aug 202418:00Hip hop16+

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About event

The event, which was scheduled for August 25, has been postponed to August 28. We apologize for any inconvenience; previously purchased tickets remain valid.

The concert of the popular hip-hop group Die Antwoord will take place at the Tbilisi Sports Palace. The band, formed in 2008 in Cape Town, includes two musicians: Watkin Tudor "Ninja" Jones and Yolandi Visser. Their music combines elements of rave, hip-hop and alternative rock, which attracts many fans around the world.

Tbilisi Sports Palace is a modern multifunctional arena located in the center of Tbilisi. The venue is equipped with the latest sound and lighting systems, which ensures high quality events. The capacity of the arena allows you to comfortably accommodate a large number of spectators, which makes it an ideal place for holding international concerts.

Don't miss the chance to see Die Antwoord perform in Tbilisi. You can buy tickets on our website quickly and conveniently. Stay tuned for updates and additional information to stay up to date with all news related to the event.


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